Friday, January 30, 2015

Walking in MSJ

Eventually, you will produce your own "Eadward Muybridge" drawing.

You will also draw 8 frames of walking images using Photoshop or other computer illustration. (I added this part to the project so that we pushed the due date to Wednesday. see the links below to help you finish the computer.)

In your groups, you will video tape your group members walking for about 3 to 5 seconds. After importing the video, you will slow down the video so that you can see the still images. From the still images, you will choose 8 (eight) images and draw them in the sketch book first.

After you draw them in the sketch book, you will then animate them in Photoshop or Flash. (I would suggest that you try Illustrator, Photoshop and Flash in that order.) These will be posted on a blog post. (I will add to these instructions Monday).

Here are some suggested tutorials, as well as the other sketches that you must complete. Some of the videos you can view in class. Others you may need to view at other computers. (more editing on 2/4/15)

Adobe TV/

Upload video into Photoshop

Youtube Pictures into Cartoon

Youtube Pictures into Pencil Drawing

Before you video other people walking, you must complete these sketches
1. an 8 panel Eadward Muybridge drawing
2. Snowman in front of theater
3. Your own 4 panel representation of a group member walking without the use of video
4. Epic Board Man
5. Katy Perry Roar video at 4:11

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