Thursday, February 5, 2015

Photoshop and Blogger Practice

Most students did not finish posting their computer illustrations yesterday. For those students, you can use the links posted below to learn more about adding video to your blog. 

If you have finished, please comment in the comment section below so that others can learn from your knowledge. Afterwards, choose one of these pictures and use Photoshop to turn the image into a cartoon or pencil drawing.

Working with video

Importing to Photoshop

Posting videos into Blogger


    render as web friendly format like .mp4

    export as gif and use the import photo function

    any questions just come to my computer and I'll try to teach you.

  2. Done! To upload an animation, convert it to a .gif and upload it using the photo tool.

  3. After drawing the frames for the walking animation, the easiest way to upload the animation (from Flash) is to go to File >> Export >> Export Movie and then save the file as an ANIMATED GIF. There are two .gif formats, but the animated one will give you an animation. GIF sequence will give you the frames of the animation as separate images.

    Then go to Blogger and use the Insert Image function to upload the animation.

  4. I finished. I converted my animation to a gif inside flash then i uploaded it using the add a picture button.

  5. I exported the file as a gif and then posted it on a blog post.

  6. Simple, just export it as a .gif. (File>Export>Image then change the format from .jpeg to .gif) After that just upload it as a photo on the blog.

  7. After drawing the frames for the walking animation, the easiest way to upload the animation (from Flash) is to go to File >> Export >> Export Movie and then save the file as an ANIMATED GIF. There are two .gif formats, but the animated one will give you an animation. GIF sequence will give you the frames of the animation as separate images.

    Then go to Blogger and use the Insert Image function to upload the animation.

  8. I finished the animation and converted it to a gif file. I posted it to my blog.

  9. I finished! I had to convert my animation file into a .gif file, then uploaded it on my blog using the add a picture function. Thank you!

  10. Traced the outline of the walking figure on flash and saved as a gif and posted as a picture to blogger.

  11. I finished the walking animation project. After video taping the walking movement, I traced it on flash then converted the file into a gif file. Afterwards, I posted the animation onto my blog.

  12. We finished the walking animation, I sent you a version of the original one and also posted it on my blog spot.

    1. at first I took screenshots of the original video and imported those into Photoshop. then I made a new layer and traced the figures. after I inserted picture into an online gif creator. posted it on my blog. Kuang Wang

  13. I finished the walking animation project. I drew the 8 pictures on Paint, and also posted that on my blog page.

  14. I just put it on my computer. I drew 8 frames and posted the video

  15. Finished as an .mp4 and .gif file.

  16. We showed you our 5 drawings in our sketch book, then we went outside to record a video of eachother walking. We then imported the video into the computer from our phones and took snapshots that we used to animate ourselves walking in Adobe Flash. Then we exported the video from flash and posted it on our blogs.

  17. We first got approval from you for our 5 drawings and then went outside to record a video. We then exported video onto a computer and took 6 snapshots of it. We then animated the 8 frames on adobe. Then I converted project to a video and posted the video onto a post. Finally I sent to you.

  18. I finished the walking animation project by first getting approval for the five drawings. My group and I then went outside to take a video of me walking in slow-motion. We paused the video eight times and drew it in our sketchbooks. Last, I animated the walking person and uploaded it onto my blog by converting it to a gif. I also uploaded a picture of eight drawings of the eight frames on the same blog post. The blog post is titled "Walking Person."

  19. Our group completed this walking project after we had our drawings checked off. We took many videos of each other walking, hoping to get a unique style every time down. I have to admit, it took us a while to take a video of a style of walk that interested me and the rest of the group. As soon as we finished video taping, we put the video in slow motion and recorded 8 frames of one of me group members walking. In no time, we started on the Adobe Flash. I used primitive animation skills to animate these frames. I used multiple layers (to show joint movement) and tweens to help make this animation look smooth. I am happy of our final product.

  20. It is fairly simple to make a good picture into a gorgeous drawing, just follow step by step this ( and in no time, you'll have a great pencil drawing!

  21. I followed this tutorial.
    I first decreased color and saturation, then added a copy layer to finish.

  22. Hi! I finished the picture by painting over it with a mixture of Photosop and Paint. i removed the hue, added saturation, and bolded the colors to make it look more realistic

  23. An easy way to create the pencil sketch is to import the file into Photoshop. Use the photo as a background layer, and add another layer on top and trace the shadows/contours of the photo on this new layer. Delete the first layer (photo) and save the file as a JPEG.

  24. I finished the picture of the face showing shadow using different shades of skin color.

  25. I traced the picture using Photoshop and used different colors based off of the original picture.

  26. insert photo as a layer, add a new layer, trace the photo on the new layer, delete the layer with the photo, save as an animated gif

  27. I finished the walking animation project and the tracing of the face. For the walking animation, I drew the person walking on illustrator and placed the drawings on flash professional. Then, I saved the animation as an animated gif and posted it on my blog. For the face, I traced the picture by placing the original photo on the bottom layer and drawing on top of it on a different layer.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Everyone in my group finished the walking animation project. We saved our individual animations as animated gifs and posted them on our own blogs.

  30. Everyone in my group finished the walking animation project. We saved our individual animations as animated gifs and posted them on our own blogs.

  31. Everyone in my group finished their animations with the extra time that you had alloted us, but me and Willis have not received scores for our work. Each of us saved our works as animated gifs, and submitted them onto our web blog pages.

  32. I drew out the first frame of the person walking on Illustrator, and then I imported it onto Flash. I then adjusted the same image accordingly for each frame. I used 70 frames with 10 frames between each pose. After I finished, I exported the file as an animated gif and posted it on my blog.

  33. I drew out the first frame of the person walking on Illustrator, and then I imported it onto Flash. I then adjusted the same image accordingly for each frame. I used 70 frames with 10 frames between each pose. After I finished, I exported the file as an animated gif and posted it on my blog.

  34. I posted the animation as an animated gif on my blog, along with a picture of the 8 frames side by side. I made each frame individually by drawing it in flash, while using the sketch as a reference.

  35. I posted the results of my effort, the animation as well as frame images of the 8 frames, as well as my conversion of mr farley's image to black and white which I did through layers at photoshop. I drew by hand first, then used the drawing to let me animate easier.
