Friday, February 13, 2015

16 Personalities - Character Development

In your groups, you will research the Myers Briggs 16 personality types.

You are only researching the personality types so that you can develop characters. You are not researching your type! 

Once everyone in your group has chosen a personality type from a page similar to this, report to me as a group. One person in the group will email me the responses after I discuss the project with your group.

Friday the 13th

On Friday, you will answer the following questions for your character. (These questions are not about you; they are about your character.)

  1. What is your character's name?
  2. Where (and when) was your character born?
  3. What is your character's theme song?
  4. How does your character get along with other characters?
  5. What is your character's favorite movie?
  6. What is your character's favorite color?
  7. What is your character's favorite hobby?
  8. What motivates your character?
  9. Is your character honest? Does your character lie, cheat and steal?
  10. Does your character feel emotions?
  11. Does your character know Mr. Richards?
  12. Does your character work for a living? (have a job)
  13. Is your character afraid of ghosts? Is character a ghost?
  14. What scares your character?
  15. Is your character superstitious?
  16. Who is your character's best friend?
  17. How would your character's best friend describe your character?
  18. Describe one of your characters biggest failures
  19. Describe one of your characters biggest accomplishments
  20. If your character could have dinner with three other characters, who would he or she choose?
  21. Who is your character's favorite band or musician?

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