Friday, January 23, 2015

Final Exam - First Semester

Final Exam, 2D Animation

January 23, 2015
Periods 5 & 6

Create a blog post titled Period 5 (or 6) - Semester Final. When finished, send the finished post by email with the same subject.

You will use the three blank pieces of paper that I provided to respond to the first three questions on the final. Please label pieces of paper clearly with your name and the corresponding letters on the back of each page.  (For example, for the first answer you will write your name and the letter A on the back of the paper. For the second answer you will write the letter B....)

Illustrate the three Basic Principles of Animation on each page. Sketch a character or other object that demonstrates your knowledge of the principle. Submit the drawing at the end of the exam.

A. Anticipation
B. Exaggeration
C  Appeal

Currently I have given each person 50 out of 100 for the two projects. Provide three reasons that you deserve a higher or lower score for each project and include the score that you believe you deserve. Include the link to your blog post.

1. Elements of Art
2. Principles of Design

History Questions Related to Animation

3. What were Alice's Wonderland films?

4. In 1928, what animated movie was released? What is its significance to the history of animation?

5. In 1932, what animated movie was released? What is its significance to the history of animation?

6. In 1937, what animated movie was released? What is its significance to the history of animation?

7. When was Pinocchio Released?

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