Friday, January 30, 2015

Walking in MSJ

Eventually, you will produce your own "Eadward Muybridge" drawing.

You will also draw 8 frames of walking images using Photoshop or other computer illustration. (I added this part to the project so that we pushed the due date to Wednesday. see the links below to help you finish the computer.)

In your groups, you will video tape your group members walking for about 3 to 5 seconds. After importing the video, you will slow down the video so that you can see the still images. From the still images, you will choose 8 (eight) images and draw them in the sketch book first.

After you draw them in the sketch book, you will then animate them in Photoshop or Flash. (I would suggest that you try Illustrator, Photoshop and Flash in that order.) These will be posted on a blog post. (I will add to these instructions Monday).

Here are some suggested tutorials, as well as the other sketches that you must complete. Some of the videos you can view in class. Others you may need to view at other computers. (more editing on 2/4/15)

Adobe TV/

Upload video into Photoshop

Youtube Pictures into Cartoon

Youtube Pictures into Pencil Drawing

Before you video other people walking, you must complete these sketches
1. an 8 panel Eadward Muybridge drawing
2. Snowman in front of theater
3. Your own 4 panel representation of a group member walking without the use of video
4. Epic Board Man
5. Katy Perry Roar video at 4:11

Friday, January 23, 2015

Final Exam - First Semester

Final Exam, 2D Animation

January 23, 2015
Periods 5 & 6

Create a blog post titled Period 5 (or 6) - Semester Final. When finished, send the finished post by email with the same subject.

You will use the three blank pieces of paper that I provided to respond to the first three questions on the final. Please label pieces of paper clearly with your name and the corresponding letters on the back of each page.  (For example, for the first answer you will write your name and the letter A on the back of the paper. For the second answer you will write the letter B....)

Illustrate the three Basic Principles of Animation on each page. Sketch a character or other object that demonstrates your knowledge of the principle. Submit the drawing at the end of the exam.

A. Anticipation
B. Exaggeration
C  Appeal

Currently I have given each person 50 out of 100 for the two projects. Provide three reasons that you deserve a higher or lower score for each project and include the score that you believe you deserve. Include the link to your blog post.

1. Elements of Art
2. Principles of Design

History Questions Related to Animation

3. What were Alice's Wonderland films?

4. In 1928, what animated movie was released? What is its significance to the history of animation?

5. In 1932, what animated movie was released? What is its significance to the history of animation?

6. In 1937, what animated movie was released? What is its significance to the history of animation?

7. When was Pinocchio Released?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Semester Final Review

On the semester final, you will use a computer and sketch. You will create a blog post to answer questions about some of the following topics. Know how to create a blog post.

You will also submit sketches that demonstrate your knowledge of the above concepts.

Here are some other possible questions

What do YOU think is animation?

Be prepared to answer questions on the importance of failure and the importance of cooperation.

BRING AT LEAST ONE BALL POINT PEN and A PENCIL TO THE FINAL!!! I AM NOT PROVIDING A WRITING UTENSIL. I will give you blank paper. I will assign your seat. You will not have access to your cell phone. Please put it away before you walk into the class. HOWEVER, you may use Gmail and the chat function to communicate with people in the class.

Know the significant Disney animated films and when they were released, for example "Snow White." Know why they were significant.

I may add to this list by Tuesday. Anything else that is on the class blog may also be on the semester final.

I will assign your seat for the final. Expect to sit quietly for the entire period.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Guest Artist - J Christopher Esparza

Today we have a guest - J Christopher Esparza jchristopher_esparza

Guest artist J Christopher Esparza (l) visited our 2D Animation classes Wednesday

I have known J Esparza for about 30 years. Esparza has worked as an artist for most of the last twenty years. For thirteen years, Esparza worked in the video game industry. When he left, he was an Art Director. In his role, he hired many digital/computer artists. Currently, he owns and operates a tattoo shot with seven artists. During his visit we asked him the following questions about how he started his career and how others might start a career in the arts.

How did he find a career in art?

Where does he work? Where has he worked?

How does he make a living as an artist now?

What did he want from new artists, when he hired new artists at the video game companies?

Are sketch books important? Are portfolios important?

What type of games did he help design?

What computer programs does he use?

Where did he study?

What do some of your tattoos symbolize?

How does he stay inspired?

Does he work with students?
Does he have any more suggestions about sketch books?
What is the difference between a sketch book and portfolio?
How does he use social media to promote his work?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Movie Monday - Schultz and Peanuts

During Winter Break, my kids and I visited the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California.

I loved Peanuts when I was the age that my children are now. I still enjoy reading the comic strip and watching the animated programs.

  1. When was Charles Schulz born?
  2. How many siblings did he have?
  3. What was his nickname?
  4. Charles Schulz moved to California from a colder climate. Where did he live before California?
  5. After Schulz served in the military, he was an instructor. What did he teach?
  6. What was his favorite movie?

7. What was the name of his first cartoon strip?
8. What was his first animated film?
9. Who was the lead animator?
10. Who voiced the characters in the first Peanuts animation?
11. Lucy was created after a real life person in Schulz's life. Who?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Appeal and Sketchbook Reflection

On one full page, draw a Peanuts character to draw the 12th Basic Principle of Animation today.

On another full page of your sketchbook, write the following three paragraphs. (DO NOT PULL OUT OF YOUR SKETCHBOOK)

Paragraph 1 - In the first paragraph, discuss what you have done well in your sketchbook. How have you improved? What have you studied and practiced? You could begin your paragraph by writing, "This semester, I have demonstrated consistent growth." I am looking for complete answers... not necessarily complete sentences.

Paragraph 2 - In the second paragraph, explain how you might work differently now that you have more experience. (What could you improve?)

Paragraph 3 - Include the following text

"I believe that a score of ______ out of 100 accurately describes my effort and achievement for the Sketchbook Project. I do not deserve more than the score I listed, nor do I deserve less."

Print your name,
Sign your name,

Include the date below.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Citizen Kane 70th Anniversary

The Schulz documentary begins with a scene from the movie Citizen Kane (see the 70th Anniversary preview).

5th period students will take notes during the short video. Answer these questions.

  1. Who was Charles Foster Kane
  2. Who was Walter Parks Thatcher
  3. When was Citizen Kane released?
  4. Who was Kane supposed to represent?
  5. What industry was the movie about?
  6. What was the name of Kane's newspaper
  7. Where did Kane get his money?
  8. What does Xanadu represent?
The American Film Institute ranks Citizen Kane as the all-time greatest film. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Citizen Kane - Schultz Homework


Choose 1 of the options, due at the beginning of class

Reproduce Citizen Kane Movie Poster (on a separate blank piece of paper)


Write a summary of the movie (use your own words), include at least two credible sources. The summary does not need to be longer than one paragraph if you write well.

Movie Monday - Charles M Schulz

Welcome Back from Winter Break (Today is Tuesday; I have edited the blog post that I incorrectly posted on the photography site for yesterday.)

At the beginning of class, please sketch an animated bird. I believe that we draw Exaggeration today. If I am wrong, draw Exaggeration again anyway. You may work in groups, but everyone in your group must draw the same animated bird (for example, Woodstock). January 5th is National Bird Day.

On Monday, I was absent. I had intended that the class draw animated birds yesterday and complete the following assignment yesterday. (see italicized)

Woodstock at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California

After sketching, complete the Principles of Design and Elements of Art blog posts/animation projects. If you have finished, help others in the classroom. You may be a resource for other students. Please ask the teacher if you may leave your seat to help others.

If somehow, everyone has completed these assignments, you may begin reviewing how to animate different types of walks.

Since we missed Movie Monday yesterday, we will begin Movie Monday today with a documentary about Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts comic strip and animated films. I visited the Charles M. Schulz Museum during Break. Have you visited?