Thursday, June 11, 2015

Final Exam - 2D Animation

  1. What is your favorite animated film? The film can be an animated short or a feature film. (10)
  2. Give three reasons that this film is your favorite (10)
  3. What is your teacher's favorite animated series? (5)
  4. How did choose your answer? (5)
  5. Give three reasons that your teacher likes the series. (10)
  6. What was your best work this year? Describe the work (10)
  7. Write a one paragraph summary of your last animation. (10)
  8. Add a working link to the last animation project. (10)
  9. List three things you did well on this project. (10)
  10. Who created your favorite final project in Period 6? (5)
  11. What are your responsibilities in a digital classroom? (5)
  12. When you are finished, email the finished blog post link. For complete credit, the subject should read "Period 6 - Final Exam" (10)

The following is not part of your grade
Mr. Briano has asked that you also complete a survey. You may complete the survey after you send your final exam.

2D Animation Final Exam - Period 5

What is your favorite animated film? The film can be an animated short or a feature film. (10)
Give three reasons that this film is your favorite (15)

What is my favorite animated series? (5)
How did choose your answer? (5)
Give three reasons that I like the series. (15)

What was your best work this year? Describe the work (10)

Write a one paragraph summary of your last animation. (10)

Add the link to the last animation project. (10)
List three things you did well on this project. (10)

When you are finished, email the finished blog post link. For complete credit, the subject should read "Period 5 - Final Exam" (10)

Mr. Briano has asked that you also complete a survey. You may complete the survey after you send your final exam.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Presentation - Proposal

For your final project, you will create an animation. You can use any software available on our computers. The animation is due the second to last day of class. THE LAST DAY OF CLASS IS NOT THE FINAL EXAM.

You will submit a proposal before your project is approved.

Your proposal will include the following:

1. Brief story - outline and logline. You may also submit a 3 act outline though your animation does not need to have a 3 act story structure

2. Your character or characters - the description can be done visually or with text

3. You will include an explanation of the technology you will use to complete the project. The animation should include sound too. You should either create the visuals and sound or have permission to use the elements.

Send the proposal to me and keep the approval for your records. You will know that your project has been approved, because you will have an email from me that has the word "approved" in your email. If you need more guidance for how your project should look, refer to the last rubric.


Last note: if this project is better than the previous animation, I will change your grade so that you receive the higher score.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Student Assessment of Project

Review and others

Below Expectations (1)
Exemplary (4)
The rewrite was not completed.
The rewrite was completed, but there were minimal changes. Student may have included three acts and a logline.
The rewrite was finished and posted. The 3 acts were well organized. The logline explained the story.
The rewrite was an improved edited version of the previous 3 acts and a logline. The outline clearly stated flowed.

Student does not consider specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole.
Student attempts to consider the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning but does not follow through.
Student considers the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student uses specific artistic choices to create the character’s meaning. These choices are intentional and meaningful.

Student does not consider specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole.
Student attempts to consider the specific artistic choices; these elements to provide meaning.
Student considers the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student chooses a title with specific artistic choices to give the entire piece meaning. These choices are intentional and meaningful.

Student does not consider specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole.
Student attempts to consider the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide.
Student considers the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student uses specific artistic choices to give the entire piece meaning. These choices are intentional and meaningful.

Student does not consider specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole.
Student attempts to consider the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student considers the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student uses specific artistic choices to give the entire piece meaning. These choices are intentional and meaningful.

Student does not consider specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole.
Student attempts to consider the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student considers the specific artistic choice to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student uses specific artistic and culturally relevant choices to give the entire piece meaning. These choices are intentional and meaningful.

Student does not address the specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole
Student attempts to consider the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student considers the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to use these elements to provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student uses specific artistic choices to give the entire piece meaning. These choices are intentional and meaningful.

The story is unclear. The audience and purpose are not stated or not clear.
The story is stated. The intended audience and purpose may or may not be clear.
The flows smoothly from one idea to another. The intended audience and purpose are clear.
The story is artfully stated flows smoothly from one idea to another. The intended audience and purpose are clear.


Story (standards)

Notes for me CTE Standars (see page 44 and beyond)
Literacy Standards elsewhere

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Animation Reflection

Computers Off Today

On a clean piece of paper, write a reflection about your last animation project. You may write three paragraphs or three separate lists. Please write clearly so that I can read your responses easily.

1. What did you do well
2. What could you have done better?
3. Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

After I read your responses, you will grade your reflection tomorrow.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Character Illustration

Draw your character as it will appear in your animation. If you have a color animation, your drawing will be in color. If you have a black and white animation, your drawing does not need to be in color.

You will finish two drawings before class ends Friday.

1. First draw an 8x11
2. After you finish the 8x11, show the teacher. He will give you an 11x17 piece of paper to complete your image.

You must finish the previous two assignments before drawing your character.

Include your character name and your name

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Story Rewrites

Today we are going to revisit your stories.

Six weeks ago, you wrote three act stories for your character animations. You also created loglines. Today you will rewrite and edit your three act story and chose one logline. You will also create a working title.

After our sketch, sit with your group and begin working on your three act story structure, logline and title. Each student will handwrite this assignment and bring it to me with your sketchbook when you have finished. Once I have approved your rewrite, you will post on your blog.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Opening Credits - Title and Text

Today we are creating opening credits. These do NOT need to be the same credits/titles that you use on your May 21st animation.

  1. Title
  2. Text
  3. Color
  4. Font 
  5. Characters
  6. Names of students 
This assignment is due at the end of class Monday. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Add Text To Flash

Today we sketched, "high five" with a logo.

After our sketch, we are going to add text to a flash file. Include the words,

"You deserve a high five" (You are not limited to the text above.)

Use 5 colors and
5 fonts
List the fonts and colors on your blog.

Finish before class ends. Post to your blog. If you can't post the flash file, just post the five fonts and five colors.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Voca-Pella" Self-Evaluation

You worked in a group and created a vocal performance. I called it "voca-pella." (I have no idea if this is a real term... I probably should have checked.)

What did you think of your performance? What did you think of your group's performance? What did you learn from this experience that you can apply to your own animation project?

On a separate piece of paper, answer these three questions.

1. How well did you do?

2. How did your group perform?

3. What did you learn about creating sounds for your own animation projects?

After you answer the questions, find one person from a different vocal group to read and sign your paper.


Monday, April 27, 2015

The Little Things ...

Add up

When you create your animation projects, consider the title. Will we want to watch it? Will we be confused by the title? Will the font distract the viewer? What will the first few scenes reveal? Will you create your own "animation studio?" Had you considered credits?

Will you have music? Will you have a theme or story? 

Font (credits, both opening and closing)
film company?
story/theme "love story"
metaphors or word choice - the tribe, clumsy ballet, the lone penguin, tightrope performers

Homework - describe three images from the first two minutes of "The March of The Penguins." How does the image help move the story forward. (for each image, give three reasons.)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Movie Monday - Musical Mayhem

For Movie Monday, you will watch AND LISTEN to Tom and Jerry's The Cat Concerto and Tom and Jerry in the Hollywood Bowl.

Choose your five favorite sounds and identify how they were created.
Post your answers in a blog post. Title your post, "Identifying Sounds"
Share your answers with a partner; respond to your partner's answers in the comment section.
Send post link to me when you have finished.

I will see you Tuesday afternoon. If you whistle while you work, please do so quietly.


Do you hear what they hear

Choose a group of five people and create and your own song (or bird call) with percussion your performance is due at the beginning of class Tuesday. 100 points

Today's Sketch:
On a full page,
draw a square
inside the square, draw a circle
divide the circle into equal slices
for each school day that we have remaining before the evening of May 21st.

Bobby McFerrin Pentatonix Scale

Pentatonix with Daft Punk

Evolution of Beyonce

Pentatonix Happy

Don't Worry Be Happy

Blackbird by Bobby McFerrin

Piedmont High School Bird Callers on David Letterman

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Rhythm and Sound

Sketch Rhythm - "organized movement"

1. Recording Sound - Remember Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

2. Import Audio into Flash CS6 Library

3. Adding sound files into Flash

A. Join a group, preferably your character group. (I assume that someone in your group has a phone or something similar. If I am wrong, you may join a different group.)
B. Record five different QUIET sounds. (Do you remember how the 7 Dwarfs walked on the wood floor that creeked?)
C. Import into a library
D. Play
E. Experiment
F. Post blog - "Five Small Sounds"

3 Points
2 Points
Nearing Proficient
1 Points
Not Proficient
Sound Creation

Experiments with different tools to create interesting sounds. Inspires others
Participates when asked to help and does not distract with loud noises.
Creates loud and distracting noises.

Uses software and tutorials to add sound. Explores how to alter sound for future projects.
Follows directions and includes sounds when prompted.
Does not attempt to use software.
Group Participation

Contributes as a group member. Helps with technical or other knowledge.  Demonstrates leadership.
Helpful when asked by a group leader.
Does not help group. Disrupts others.

Visual Arts Grades Nine Through Twelve - Advanced
Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts
Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art. 
Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
2.1       Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill in a variety of media that reflect their feelings and points of view.
Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of the Visual Arts
Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to the visual arts and artists. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design and Key Frame Animation

Begin the class by sketching Balance, the first Principle of Design. I provided an image of the Wonder Woman logo. Sketch for about ten minutes. After you draw, write a blog post that gives three reasons why your sketch demonstrates the first principle of design. Be specific!

Complete your frog/toad keyframe animation today. We will discuss this further after the sketch.

Proficient (3)
Nearing Proficient 2)
Not Proficient 1

Brushwork and Fills
Brushwork and paint fills are consistent among all instances of the subject.
Brushwork or paint fills change styles on an instance of the subject.
Brushwork or paint fills are inconsistent across multiple   instances of the subject.
Frame Sequencing
Frames are in a logical sequence, displaying the action in one smooth motion; There is only one instance of the subject on each frame.
A frame is out of sequence, creating a glitch in the animation; A frame contains stray drawings or multiple instances of the subject.
The frames are out of sequence, creating a disjointed, unbelievable animation; Multiple instances of the subject exist on more than one frame.
A background completely fills the stage, consistent for the duration of the movie.
The background does not fill the stage, or inexplicably changes on at least one frame.
The background does not fill the vertical or horizontal stage, or is inconsistent across multiple frames.

After you finish the sketch, finish (or improve) your frog animation and score your project using the rubric. Explain your score for each category and email the blog link with the title Period 6 (or 5) Frog Self 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday Sketch and Animation

Sketch Texture from the Wonder Woman trailer (37 second mark)

Animate Key Frame Frog/Toad Project

Write a blog post about your progress and complete these questions today.

  1. What action script did you use?
  2. Why did you choose it?
  3. How did you trace the frog/toad? Can you include examples of your work in the blog post?
  4. Who is the master animator Richard Williams?
  5. How did you research him?
  6. How large was your stage when you opened it?
  7. Which software did you use and why?
  8. How many layers did you use?
  9. Why did you choose your background?
  10. Why did we create a frog/toad? (instead of a ball or entire city)
  11. How did you export?
  12. How many frames did you create?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday Sketch - Intro to Animation

Begin class by sketching The Element of Art - Color. We will sketch Wonder Woman punching towards the viewer at the 46 second mark of the trailer.

After sketching, we will review traditional animation. Students will start the "Traditional Keyframe Animation" project.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday Animation

Sketch Element of Art Space (see the trailer at 34 seconds)

Write a blog post that compares Wonder Woman and Green Lantern.

Find a partner and comment in their 3 Act Play blog post. Respond to their comment.

When finished, find the teacher before you start tutorial.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Animation Classroom Expectations

Daily Participation Expectations

Classroom Expectations
  1. On time. On task. Ready to work
  2. Do your own work... have your sketch book ready every day.
  3. Be helpful
  4. Participate in class; participate with your group
  5. Problem Solve/ Identify Problems

Students meet my average expectations by doing the first three items on the list. Students meet my above average expectations by participating in class and helping others. Students exceed expectations by identifying and solving problems and doing the other items on the list.

Do you remember signing the appropriate computer use contract? We can provide a copy. Many students have used teacher log ins and passwords to bypass our internet filter. This affects the integrity of the system as well as the integrity of the school.  

Phone - You may use your phone only for assignments.
Classwork from different classes - May you work on other assignments when you are finished with your assignments? Yes, but you are never finished. (If you think you have finished, you can practice drawing or watch a tutorial. You can research other animators or your personal animation interests.)

When contacting the teacher about a grade or important issue, please send the message to his school email. I have two work email addresses. (one is at mvrop and the other is at
Food and drink is not allowed inside the classroom, especially near the computers.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Wonder Woman,Three Acts and a Logline

For our sketch, we will review the first two Elements of Art by drawing Wonder Woman. During the class, we will listen to two interviews about Wonder Woman's past, present and future. One interview is from NPR's Fresh Air and the other is from the 2012 New York Comic Con.

Earlier this week, we used the 3 act story structure, to describe the two-part Green Lantern animated series. The we wrote a logline that summarized both episodes. Today you will do the same for your animation project.

Fit your story into a Three Act Story Structure and write a logline for your character story. (For tips on writing loglines, you can read this post or search elsewhere.) Post your answers on a blog post and include your logline at the top, even though you write your logline after you create your three act response.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Artistic Review - Green Lantern Animation

We watched the first two episodes of the animated Green Lantern for "Movie Monday" yesterday. Students took notes during the show so that we could write reviews. Today we will write an artistic review. I have included my rubric. We will also discuss the assignment after our sketch.

Artistic Review- 
PROMPT: Analyze the first two episodes of Green Lantern: Beware My Power.

  • 3-4 Paragraphs (You may include more)
  • Post review to blog (Artist Review - Green Lantern Animation)

Must include
  • Intro with background information
  • Thesis Statement and Topic sentences
  • Examples from the two episodes, including character quotes and/or comments
  • Commentary that supports the examples with live links

Below Expectations

Student will include relevant and sufficient evidence.
CCSS W1Student includes no background information on piece being reviewedStudent includes minimal background information on piece being reviewedStudent includes basic background information on piece being reviewedStudent provides detailed background on the piece. This background includes historical cultural connections and/or artist information beyond name.
Student will use valid reasoning in order to choose sufficient evidence in order to support claims
CCSS W1Student includes no examples from piece.Student includes minimal examples from piece. These examples may not be relevant.Student includes specific, relevant examples from piece.Student includes many specific, relevant examples from the pieces, artfully weaving these examples into the review.
Student will use relevant evidence in order to support claims concerning interpretation of text and analysis of textual parts as they create meaning.
CCSSW1, CCSS R4, R5Student does not address the specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a wholeStudent addresses the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to discuss how these elements provide meaning within the piece as a whole.Student discusses the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and the meaning of these choices within the context of the whole.Student uses the specific examples in order to discuss the choices made by the artist. This discussion includes the way in which these choices give meaning,
Student is able to produce clear, coherent writing which uses a style appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
CCSS W4The writer's opinion is unclear and/or unsupported. The writer does not write for a specific audience.The writer's opinion is stated, but is not supported. The audience for the review may be unclear or the tone inappropriateThe writer's opinion is clearly stated and supported. The review is written for the desired audience and maintains an appropriate tone throughout.The writer's opinion is artfully stated and supported. The review flows smoothly from one idea to another. The intended audience and purpose are clear.