Friday, March 20, 2015

Wonder Woman,Three Acts and a Logline

For our sketch, we will review the first two Elements of Art by drawing Wonder Woman. During the class, we will listen to two interviews about Wonder Woman's past, present and future. One interview is from NPR's Fresh Air and the other is from the 2012 New York Comic Con.

Earlier this week, we used the 3 act story structure, to describe the two-part Green Lantern animated series. The we wrote a logline that summarized both episodes. Today you will do the same for your animation project.

Fit your story into a Three Act Story Structure and write a logline for your character story. (For tips on writing loglines, you can read this post or search elsewhere.) Post your answers on a blog post and include your logline at the top, even though you write your logline after you create your three act response.

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