Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design and Key Frame Animation

Begin the class by sketching Balance, the first Principle of Design. I provided an image of the Wonder Woman logo. Sketch for about ten minutes. After you draw, write a blog post that gives three reasons why your sketch demonstrates the first principle of design. Be specific!

Complete your frog/toad keyframe animation today. We will discuss this further after the sketch.

Proficient (3)
Nearing Proficient 2)
Not Proficient 1

Brushwork and Fills
Brushwork and paint fills are consistent among all instances of the subject.
Brushwork or paint fills change styles on an instance of the subject.
Brushwork or paint fills are inconsistent across multiple   instances of the subject.
Frame Sequencing
Frames are in a logical sequence, displaying the action in one smooth motion; There is only one instance of the subject on each frame.
A frame is out of sequence, creating a glitch in the animation; A frame contains stray drawings or multiple instances of the subject.
The frames are out of sequence, creating a disjointed, unbelievable animation; Multiple instances of the subject exist on more than one frame.
A background completely fills the stage, consistent for the duration of the movie.
The background does not fill the stage, or inexplicably changes on at least one frame.
The background does not fill the vertical or horizontal stage, or is inconsistent across multiple frames.

After you finish the sketch, finish (or improve) your frog animation and score your project using the rubric. Explain your score for each category and email the blog link with the title Period 6 (or 5) Frog Self 

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