Monday, March 23, 2015

Animation Classroom Expectations

Daily Participation Expectations

Classroom Expectations
  1. On time. On task. Ready to work
  2. Do your own work... have your sketch book ready every day.
  3. Be helpful
  4. Participate in class; participate with your group
  5. Problem Solve/ Identify Problems

Students meet my average expectations by doing the first three items on the list. Students meet my above average expectations by participating in class and helping others. Students exceed expectations by identifying and solving problems and doing the other items on the list.

Do you remember signing the appropriate computer use contract? We can provide a copy. Many students have used teacher log ins and passwords to bypass our internet filter. This affects the integrity of the system as well as the integrity of the school.  

Phone - You may use your phone only for assignments.
Classwork from different classes - May you work on other assignments when you are finished with your assignments? Yes, but you are never finished. (If you think you have finished, you can practice drawing or watch a tutorial. You can research other animators or your personal animation interests.)

When contacting the teacher about a grade or important issue, please send the message to his school email. I have two work email addresses. (one is at mvrop and the other is at
Food and drink is not allowed inside the classroom, especially near the computers.

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