Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Rhythm and Sound

Sketch Rhythm - "organized movement"

1. Recording Sound - Remember Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

2. Import Audio into Flash CS6 Library

3. Adding sound files into Flash

A. Join a group, preferably your character group. (I assume that someone in your group has a phone or something similar. If I am wrong, you may join a different group.)
B. Record five different QUIET sounds. (Do you remember how the 7 Dwarfs walked on the wood floor that creeked?)
C. Import into a library
D. Play
E. Experiment
F. Post blog - "Five Small Sounds"

3 Points
2 Points
Nearing Proficient
1 Points
Not Proficient
Sound Creation

Experiments with different tools to create interesting sounds. Inspires others
Participates when asked to help and does not distract with loud noises.
Creates loud and distracting noises.

Uses software and tutorials to add sound. Explores how to alter sound for future projects.
Follows directions and includes sounds when prompted.
Does not attempt to use software.
Group Participation

Contributes as a group member. Helps with technical or other knowledge.  Demonstrates leadership.
Helpful when asked by a group leader.
Does not help group. Disrupts others.

Visual Arts Grades Nine Through Twelve - Advanced
Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts
Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art. 
Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
2.1       Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill in a variety of media that reflect their feelings and points of view.
Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of the Visual Arts
Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to the visual arts and artists. 

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