Thursday, December 4, 2014

Welcome to 2D Animation

"Music is the space between the notes" - Claude Debussy ?

I teach two periods of 2D Animation at Mission San Jose High School in Fremont, California. For some assignments, students will use a blog to showcase their work.

Please create a Google Blogger blog.

You might want to refer to the Blogger Getting Started help notes.

Please list whether you are in our 5th or 6th period. Please include your blog link, your blog title, your name, and your favorite Disney character. In the section next to the orange word "Post," write My First Post

Include the quote, "Nature abhors a vacuum."


  1. terrible teacher o animation done
    bad choice to take this class
    dont take it
    its a trap

  2. if ur a photo/journalism teacher, then why are u teaching 2d animation??

    1. Good question... I didn't update my About Me profile. If you searched, you would probably find several more outdated and incorrect profiles. There are probably some profiles that I did not even create.
